Remembering Earthy

Last month, our community, our family, suffered a tremendous loss. Alida “Earth Feather” Quiroz-Montiel, also lovingly known as Earthy, passed away suddenly. My comadre and friend for over 40 years suffered a massive stroke while performing with her Grupo Yollo Incuahutli back in November.

Earthy was an amazing artist and activist, a Salt River Community member and Capitana, who was dedicated to the ceremony, community, and tradition of La Danza Mexica and our Indigenous communities. She was the HEART of the danza community. I had the honor of dancing alongside her for 10 years as co-captain back in the 1970’s. Earthy was also an original member of Xicanindio Artists Coalition that Zarco and I founded in 1975. She supported us in everything we did. Her group danced at festivals all over the state and at every Cultural Coalition festival. 

Our hearts are with her family, her danzantes, and every person who was lucky enough to have known her. We are all shocked and know that her spirit will be with us always.

~ Carmen Guerrero