Nepohualtzintzin! Ancient Computer Knowledge Lecture

We had the pleasuring of hosting a public lecture about the Nepohualtzintzin during our After School Art Program earlier this year.

Master teachers from Mexico, Ing. Carlos Carrillo Suarez and Lic. Sara Rocio Ruiz Galicia, demonstrated how to use the Nepohualtzintzin with real life math problems.

All ages enjoy learning this ancient logic based system of math manipulativies and caught on quickly how to use it.

What is the Nepohualtzintzin?

“Aztecs and Mayan people used Nepohualtzitzin in their life, from basic math to differential calculus and matrixes. It is known that they calculated and comprehended the behavior of planets, stars, seasons and calendars, and required mathematical knowledge for that. It was also used for construction calculus in many types of buildings, but also any application on everyday life.” More information can be found here