A Diné Perspective on Beading and Painting

Thank you Arizona Artisans Collective for hosting an artist demo session! I’d forgotten what it was like to sit and share with ppl since most of my time is spent within the confides of my own home. I was reminded of the unique energy it takes for artists to commit to their crafts and stay true to their vision.

As I sat there answering questions to the curious, I thought of my auntie Tawny Begay for teaching me how to bead. Her patience and creativity has helped me evolve my craft into something truly unique.

I’ve been working on this piece for the past two years, I hope to have it entirely beaded by the end of the year. It is meant to pay respects to the Holy people in the North as they protect us from negative energy. If you can imagine them with suits of armor made out of jet black arrowheads; this piece embodies the protective masculine energy that they represent and that which we all embody.

Black is a powerful color because it soaks up all of the other colors and in a way, protects them. Yellow energizes and uplifts the senses 🖤 ☀️Thanks Janell Robbins for teaching me about color psychology 💕 Thank you Jared Oxdx Yazzie for stopping by and for always supporting the fellow artist ✊🏽 Beading and painting has taught me patience with myself and my process, I encourage everyone to take time to create whatever their intuition is guiding them towards because it is needed now more than ever

I am sharing this as the Assistant Director and Grants Writer of Cultural Coalition, Inc. I have been with the organization since 2014. It has been an amazing experience to grow and expand as an artist, a writer, and a mother with the Coalition. I am looking forward to the new growth we have in store for us.