Cultural Coalition Awarded CARES Act Funding
Arizona Humanities grant enables arts and culture events to go virtual
Cultural Coalition, Inc is pleased to announce that it has received $7,620 in support from the Arizona Humanities rapid-response grant program funded by the Congressional CARES Act through the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The funds will be used to continue operations, support local artists, and transition the organizations traditional arts and cultural festivals and events into virtual programs. Cultural Coalition, Inc is one of fifty-eight (58) non-profit humanities and cultural organizations in Arizona awarded $520,000 in total funding in assistance for financial hardships from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Cultural Coalition is honored to be a recipient of these grant funds. This is a meaningful recognition of the value we offer our community. It will also help us continue our mission to amplify the cultural diversity of our communities and support artists by sharing their talents with children and families throughout the Valley.” - Carmen Guerrero, Executive Director of Cultural Coalition, Inc.
The CARES Act funds will enable Cultural Coalition, Inc to provide diverse cultural programs to the people of Arizona while supporting local artists through providing community engagement to a variety of festivals and programs through online platforms. Recorded videos and live streaming events on Facebook and YouTube supported by this grant include:
- The Mask Alive! Festival of Masks, originally to be held at Pioneer Park in Mesa.
- The Portal to the Past event, originally to be held at Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix.
- The Artist Chat series, a visit with Valley artists for “behind the scenes” tours of their studiosand insight into their creative process.The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the importance of art engagement in our communities, especially for uplifting morale. Cultural Coalition, Inc is excited for the opportunities presented with virtual events, bringing Arizona artists to a global audience. As social distancing becomes a new part of everyday life, it is evident, the need to connect with our communities is desired now more than ever in our constantly changing world.
Cultural Coalition, Inc. is a local non-profit who has committed to supporting indigenous artists and encouraging youth arts education for over 25 years. We are dedicated to the education, promotion, and development of indigenous artists throughout Arizona. We provide our community with much needed artistic programs that highlight and amplify the cultural diversity of the Valley of the Sun.
Mission: Arizona Humanities builds a just and civil society by creating opportunities to explore our shared human experiences through discussion, learning and reflection.
Arizona Humanities is a statewide 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and the Arizona affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Since 1973, Arizona Humanities has supported public programs that promote understand of the human experience with cultural, educational, and nonprofit organizations across Arizona.
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is an independent federal agency created in 1965. It is one of the largest funders of humanities programs in the United States. The National Endowment for the Humanities supports research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities.
As part of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES Act), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) received an additional $75 million in supplemental funding to distribute as emergency relief to cultural institutions affected by the coronavirus.
Nearly $30 million of this funding has already been distributed to the state and jurisdictional humanities councils for local re-granting. The remainder will be distributed from NEH in direct grants to institutions and individuals through new NEH CARES funding opportunities.
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Cultural Coalition recibe fondos del CARES Act
Cultural Coalition, Inc se complace anunciar que ha recibido soporte de Arizona Humanities en la cantidad de $7,620 del programa de subvención de respuesta rápida fundado por el CARES Act del Congreso por el Fondo Nacional para las Humanidades (NEH). Los fondos serán utilizados para continuar operaciones, sostener a los artistas locales, y para la transición virtualmente a los festivales y programas culturales. Incluso a Cultural Coalition, Inc, 58 organizaciones culturales y sin fines de lucro en Arizona recibieron $520,000 en total de asistencia para dificultades financieras como resultado de la pandemia COVID-19.
“Cultural Coalition es honorada de ser recipiente de estos fondos de subvención. Esto sirve como reconocimiento significativo del valor que ofrecemos a nuestra comunidad. También, nos ayudará a continuar nuestra misión de ampliar la diversidad cultural y apoyar artistas por compartir sus talentos con jóvenes y familias en todo el Valle del Sol.” – Carmen Guerrero, Directora Executiva del Cultural Coalition, Inc.
Los fondos del CARES Act permitirá a Cultural Coalition, Inc a proporcionar diversos festivales y programas culturales al pueblo de Arizona por una variedad de plataformas en línea mientras fomentar el compromiso comunitario con los artistas locales. Ejemplos de eventos respaldados por estas subvenciones incluyen videos grabados y eventos transmitidos en vivo por Facebook y YouTube:
- ¡MascaraViva! Festival de Mascaras, originalmente programado al Pioneer Park en Mesa.
- El Portal al Pasado evento, originalmente programado al Pueblo Grande Museum en Phoenix.
- La serie de Charla de Artista, una visita con artistas radicados en el Valle por “detrás de las escenas” guías de sus estudios y conocimiento de su proceso creativo.
La pandemia del COVID-19 ha iluminado la importancia del compromiso artístico en nuestras comunidades especialmente para elevar la moral. Cultural Coalition, Inc está entusiasmado por las oportunidades que se presentan con los eventos virtuales y la posibilidad de transmitir a los artistas de Arizona a una audiencia global. A medida que el distanciamiento social se convierte en una nueva parte de la vida cotidiana, es evidente que la necesidad de conectar con nuestras comunidades se desea ahora más que nunca.
Cultural Coalition, Inc. es una organización local sin fines de lucro que durante más de 25 años se ha comprometido apoyar artistas indígenas y fomentar la educación artística juvenil. Estamos dedicados a la educación, promoción y desarrollo de artistas indígenas en todo Arizona. Brindamos a nuestra comunidad programas artísticos muy necesarios que resaltan y amplifican la diversidad cultural del Valle del Sol.
Misión: Arizona Humanities edifica una sociedad justa y civil por crear oportunidades para explorar nuestras experiencias humanas compartidas a través de la discusión, el aprendizaje y la reflexión.
Arizona Humanities es una organización estatal sin fines de lucro 501(c)3 y la filial de Arizona del Fondo Nacional para las Humanidades (NEH). Desde 1973, Arizona Humanities ha apoyado programas públicos que promueven la comprensión de la experiencia humana con organizaciones culturales, educativas y sin fines de lucro en todo Arizona.
El Fondo Nacional para las Humanidades (NEH) es una agencia federal independiente creada en 1965. Es unos de los fundadores más grandes de los programas humanidades en los Estados Unidos. El Fondo Nacional para los Humanidades sostiene a la investigación, educación, preservación y programas públicos en humanidades.
Casi $30 millones de este financiamiento ya se han distribuido a los consejos de humanidades estatales y jurisdiccionales para la re-concesión local. El resto se distribuirá desde NEH en subvenciones directas a instituciones e individuos a través de nuevas oportunidades de financiación de NEH CARES.