Celebrating Earth Day! Fundraising for the Arts!
Fundraising is always a challenge for small grass roots arts organizations such as ours The Cultural Coalition. We count on the support of our generous patrons and supporters to provide cultural arts celebrations and workshops in our community. At our last Retreat, our Board Consultant Dr. Melanie Ohm suggested we tackle a few small but effective fundraising events to keep donations coming our way and allowing us the sustainability so necessary to fulfill our Mission. Board Member Patricia Federico (www.mymadretierra.com) stepped up to the table and invited the Kitchen Curandera Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz to share her knowledge of food and healing in an exclusive intimate event which will take place this Sunday April 23 at 1 pm in Phoenix. Join us!
The Kitchen Curandera (www.ruizenplace.com) has presented at the Desert Botanical Garden recently as well as the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. She is an amazingly knowledgeable chef and has a large resumé of tasting events. Who wouldn’t want to come and eat her fabulous food? Or taste her amazing exquisite drinks? She offers a culinary delight!
The location is perfect to celebrate Earth Day! Where else but in South Phoenix amongst all the trees and vegetations that have been there for centuries…. The Serenity at South Muntain House is a beautiful and quaint property right behind the Farm at South Mountains, next to the Univision building on Southern Avenue. Turn south on 30th Street and the house is right there to your right. Enter the driveway and park in the back. Very charming, with lots of vegetation, antiques and cools places to sit or hide! Sip on something delicious and relax!
Renewal is the overall theme of this special event – VOLVER – I will be back… Vamos a regresar a nuestras raises indígenas, volver a comer como nuestros ancestros, con alimentos de la tierra santa y bendita. Saboreando los regalos de la Madre Naturaleza! Chef Felicia is already foraging for our special healthy and healing meal. This is her background: showcasing nourishing and healing foods from our own desert plants, plated in a modern style.She’s planning to treat all of us to a special refreshing desert elixir upon arrival…. You will be offered some new, vibrant and colorful foods that will surprise your taste buds. So we look forward to seeing you there and having some fun while Celebrating Earth Day and supporting the Arts! A win-win delightful and delicious afternoon ….
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/volver-i-will-be-back-a-taste-of-ancestral-knowledge-tickets-33347902474″ ]