Cuentos de Carmen: Travels of a Piper Fellow Part 1

Carmen Guerrero standing in front of largest known wood carving at Audain Museum

This year, Carmen Guerrero, Cultural Coalition Executive Director, began her Piper Fellowship journey. As a Piper Fellow she will be traveling this year to visit different arts and culture museums around the US, Canada and Mexico to learn best practices and “increase the capacity of my organization while researching the viability of the Mask Alive…

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Our Lil Green Thumbs

3 youth painting a sky and sun

The youth in our After School Art Program had a BLAST collaborating with local artist Adrian Garcia “AWER” to design and paint a mural on their grow box in the classroom. They titled it “Our Lil Green Thumbs”, inspired by the plants they’ve been growing. The students then each chose a plant, flower, tree, cloud,…

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New Grant Funding For Programs

Cultural Coalition is excited to share that during this first quarter of 2024 we were the recipient of two $10,000 grants! The Meta Community Action Grants Award will support the Mariachi S.T.E.A.M. program at our After School Arts Program at a low-income housing complex in Mesa, bringing weekly musical instruction and robotics activities to over…

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Springtime in the Classroom

Our After School Arts Program at El Rancho del Arte in Mesa was gifted a grow box from Local First Arizona back in the beginning of March. The students in the program have been very excited and having so much fun gardening and learning how to grow their own food! Our partners at El Rancho…

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You’re Invited: Free Programs at Tempe Center for the Arts

Cultural Coalition is excited to support the Small Island Big Song (SIBS) residency at Tempe Center for the Arts (TCA) from February 8 to February 10. Together with TCA and artists from SIBS, we have curated supporting programs that feature collaborations of artists from Arizona with visiting artists from Oceania, culminating a final concert performance…

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