5th Annual Dia de Los Muertos PHX Festival Masked artists and drummers will entertain with music and dance performances to honor our ancestors and celebrate our heritage and traditions. A gathering of artists and families. Kids Arts activities. Food available to purchase. Free admission. La Coalicion Cultural de Phoenix te invitamos a disfrutar con toda tu familia a la celebracion del quinto festival annual de dia de muertos, Domingo 23 de Octubre en el Indian steele park por la 3 calle y la indian school rd. Habra danzas tradiciónales, comida, ceremonias, expociones de arte y entretenimiento cultural para toda la familia. La entrada es libre para todos! De 12 del medio dia a las 5 de la tarde. We are currently raising $5,000 to help cover the costs of the stage and sound system for the 2016 Dia de Los Muertos PHX Festival, a free & open public event to be held in Downtown Phoenix at Steele Indian School Park (300 E Indian School Rd Phx AZ 85012). Your contribution is crucial to maintaining this tradition! Please help us reach our goal by making a tax-deductible donation via PayPal, and by encouraging your circle of family and friends to donate as well. Thank you for being a supporter of the Indigenous arts and artists! For more information about the festival visit http://www.diadelosmuertosphx.com.